Multipotentialite vs Singular Specialist?

Did you know that Fast Company Magazine recently identified the single most important skill to develop in order to thrive in the 21st century? What is it you ask? 


Almost “100 Days” into the school year and what a privilege it has been getting to know your scholars on a much deeper level! In fact, now we can look for innovative ways to individually challenge their passions, promote curiosity and foster a love of learning,
as well as help them grow more in their ability to adapt.  Several different projects are about to launch in our 3rd & 4th quarters, and we can’t wait to share these unique
learning opportunities with you. From constructing Pirate Play Ships to Invention Kits…Special Genius Hours and Shark Tank…

We love exploring creatively! Let me ask you an important parent-question:
Are you raising a child who will become a singular specialist or cultivating a multipotentialite? (A person with a particular, one-track life focus vs. a person with various interests and inventive life pursuits.).

At One School, we recognize that many of our scholars will become multipotentialites,
and for the first time in a couple hundred years our society is beginning to get on board; seeing their value and responding to it! No longer does the “Jack of all trades, master of none” phrase carry such a negative connotation. It may be that some of us don’t have just one true calling.

Recently, Emilie Wapnick gave both shape and voice to others who identify as multipotentialites with a viral TED Talk. She goes more into detail of her personal journey recognizing herself as one, empowers others who relate to the title, and inspires specialists to collaborate with them for a perfect concoction of success. Ironically, years ago our society did develop multipotentialites, and such celebrated individuals were known as Renaissance men or women. Later, the notion of a singular calling or specialty and career longevity came into light and was seen as paramount. But the scales seem to be balancing.

One is not better than the other, rather understanding how your scholar is wired and helping to ignite that God-given potential is what truly matters!

Some of the strengths your scholar may naturally possess as a multipotentialite:

1. Idea Synthesis: Because innovation happens at points of intersection.
2. Rapid Learning: Excels at being a beginner and stepping out of comfort zones; many skills transcend across disciplines. 
3. Adaptability: The ability to morph or change into what is needed in any situation or environment; to learn from any experience. 

As our mission statement states, we want to see our scholars (both multipotentialites and singular specialists) positioned for success as leaders in our culture!

On February 16th our Spiritual Emphasis Week kicks off. This is my favorite time of year!  Join us in prayer that during this time our scholars’ hearts will be open to whatever God wants to deposit inside of them (adaptable).  Our theme this year for Elementary is “Inside Out.”  For Middle & High School our theme is “Encounter.” Perhaps He will place dreams inside of them, speak to their callings, or give them ideas for witty inventions. This is an incredibly special week at OSOTA and we are expectant, looking forward to sharing the stories of all that God does this go-around! 

"And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand."--Isaiah 64:8


Mrs. Campbell
Head of School


African Heritage Celebration


The Lovely Project Experience