SAT Questing 2017


SAT 10 Questing News

A note from Principal Mrs. Darlene Hellender

Greetings Parents!

In two weeks we are excited to embark on a special quest here at One School of the Arts.

Our specialized search will involve scholars navigating the SAT 10 standardized test. It begins Monday, May 1st and concludes Friday, May 5th. 

The SAT 10 is a national standardized norm-referenced test. When we are communicating with our scholars you will not hear teachers refer to it as a test. Unfortunately, in this day and age many of our scholars have been exposed to stressful, high-anxiety inducing situations due to excessive, pressure-filled testing situations. When scholars are stressed they do not do their best, and the results often do not show an accurate picture to help further them in their educational growth. This is why our school has decided that rather than doing “traditional testing,” we embark on school-wide "questing!"

Each day, once each class' quest has begun, the classroom doors will be locked until the next scheduled break. Tardy scholars are not permitted to enter the classroom until a break occurs.  Be advised that SAT cumulative score (called the Basic Battery and Complete Battery Scores) cannot be calculated when one or more segments are missing. It is extremely important for your scholar to arrive a few minutes early on these dates.

As you know, here at One School, our scholars are smart in so many unique ways! We recently took the time to show them these ways by introducing the theory of multiple intelligences.

See our blog here on Multiple Intelligences.

While this quest cannot reveal many of those ways that we see "smartness" expressed, it is a tool that our staff uses to help our teachers identify areas of mastery and those still needing attention. Scores provide a grade-by-grade comparison on a national scale representing public and private sectors across the nation.

Promotion to the next grade is not based upon these “quest” results. We will contact you with the results once they are in, come June.

We are praying that this is the best 4th quarter OSOTA has ever seen! If there is any way that our team can be a blessing to you and your scholar, please do not hesitate to let us know. It is an honor to serve you.


Mrs. Darlene Hellender



How to prepare your scholar for their QUEST:

Here are some things your scholar can do:

1. REST-Get a great night’s sleep.

2. EAT-Each morning a good healthy breakfast high is important. We will use lots of energy on our quest.

3. LISTEN-Listen carefully to the directions that are given for the quest and follow them exactly. If the directions are not clear, ask the teacher to repeat them or to explain the directions again.

4. TRY-Do your best! Even if some parts of the quest seem hard, keep trying and don’t give up! You can do it!

Here are some things you can do:

1. DISCUSS-Help your child understand that a quest provides a chance to show what a scholar knows about a subject and how the teachers can best help the child to learn.

2. RELAX-Reassure your child about their quest experience. Scholars who are calm and sure of themselves do better. Do not pressure your children concerning this quest. It is not a factor in your scholar’s grade, nor does it determine passing or failing.

3. BOOKS-Send an extra book or two along for reading when your scholar has finished their quest. Some scholars work more quickly than others and will finish before others. Reading will help pass the time more quickly.

4. PHYSICAL PREPARATION-Ensure that your scholar gets plenty of rest this week and eats a hearty, protein-filled breakfast each morning. 


Coming Soon: Ninja Warrior Fitness Program


Are You Smarter Than You Thought?