Director of Arts, Mr. Ryan Frye

We are excited to announce that this year's Spring Play is an adaptation of Beauty and The Beast!

Auditions for this play are being held on Monday the 11th from 4:00 - 5:30 PM and are open to Middle and High School scholars only. We are seeking auditions for the following speaking roles:

  • Beauty
  • Wynne (Beauty's brother)
  • Geoff (Beauty's brother)
  • Iris (Beauty's sister)
  • Lilly (Beauty's sister)
  • Old Woman
  • Squire Gregory (Sister's husband)
  • Hector (Sister's husband)
  •  The Beast
  • Beast's Servants (dance audition; see below)

We are also seeking actors to perform dance auditions! These actors will fill the role of the Beast's servants. If your scholar is auditioning for a speaking role they can see Mr. Frye for a portion of the script to memorize. If they are interested in a dance audition they will need to pick a dance to perform during the audition. Song will need to be school appropriate and provided by the scholar.

The practice schedule for those who are cast will be
Monday's and Wednesday's from 4:00 - 5:30 starting Wednesday the 20th.



Class Portraits & Re-takes


Next PTF Meeting - Jan. 11th