Grandparents Day

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If you are a grandparent and there was a special event just to recognize you, how would that make you feel? To see your grandchildren expressing their great respect and adoration to you through songs, stories, homemade gifts, dance, pictures and poetry would leave tears in your eyes and an overwhelming warmth in your heart, right? Richard Garnett said, “Love is the greatest gift one generation can leave another,” and that’s just what our loved ones experience every year on OSOTA’s Grandparents Day. Honor is more than just a belief of ours; it’s a valued tradition we hold dear and take intentional measures to show. This annual event has become such a favorite of the year that families from across the country fly in to see joy illuminate the stage as grandkids celebrate their wisdom and legacy. We hope OSOTA’s Grandparents Day continues to spark meaningful moments and create fond memories that last a lifetime, because “A grandparents love will never grow old.”

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Innovation Week | March 9-13, 2020


Fair Play the Science Way!